Be like Mike
Honor God
Love your family
Defend your country

Pro: Life, 2A, Personal Liberty, Family, Military, Law Enforcement, Kansas, USA

About Mike Murphy

Married 43 years
4 adult children, 14 grandchildren
Retired Captain United Airlines, domestic and international, 777, 767, 757, 747, 737, 319, 320
47 years active in General Aviation, currently own and fly a Beechcraft Bonanza, active member of Kansas Pilots Association
Small business owner for over 30 years
Farm/Ranch owner, served on multiple boards
Freelance contributor to Madison’s and Lanternz online magazines, author of the novel Spare Time
12 years Township Trustee

2 terms as District 114 Representative

Committees served on:
Legislative Modernization

Legislative Experience

As representative of the 114th district I have worked to protect the rights and liberties of Kansans. President Lincoln declared our Declaration of Independence was considered the “Apple of Gold within a frame of silver”, and the Declaration asserts that governments are instituted to secure our God given rights. As we watch the federal government expand in size and expense, I see the states standing in the gap to protect the people. President Reagan was 100% correct when he said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’.”

In 2021 I introduced a bill to make sure high school seniors who want to enter the workforce can obtain a technical certificate to aid in that effort, and in 2022 I was able to see that through and signed into law. 2021 also was the year I raised awareness of the dangers of ESG, Environment, Social and Governance metrics. I introduced a Consumer Protection bill that received strong opposition from big business interests. Not to be deterred, in 2022 I introduced a comprehensive bill to protect Kansans, Kansas businesses, banks and retirees. Once again, big business interests desperately tried to block the entire bill. In the end the final bill protected KPERS and state deposits and contracts. While Gov Kelly did not sign the bill, she allowed it to become law without her signature. This year I will work to get more protections for Kansans

The insane spending by the federal government has created runaway inflation impacting each of us, our dollars buy less and less each week. The danger of the Federal Reserve bringing a CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, grows ever nearer. This new currency is not like your debit card, it will be “programmable” meaning your funds can be controlled in relation to your behavior, essentially your ESG score. While we at the state level have no control over these issues, perhaps we can offer our citizens a viable option. I am crafting legislation to introduce a State bullion depository and the option of gold and silver as legal tender. In recent years technology has advanced to make this possible for anyone, not just the wealthy.

When working on the budget this year, I brought an amendment to the floor to protect 340B drug pricing which is vital to the survival of our rural healthcare centers, pharmacies and hospitals. This federal program began in 1992 to assure pharmaceutical companies offered reduced prices for those who are uninsured. Some of the companies began to deny the pricing after nearly 30 years. 4 other states had passed legislation to force compliance and these laws withstood lawsuits through the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. I was warned by leadership not to bring this amendment, but I work for you, not big pharma! I worked across the aisle and built the support to get it passed. Then leadership at the urging of big pharma put a poison pill in the omnibus bill. I lobbied the governor to line item veto that proviso and she did. Kansans are now guaranteed that reduced pricing for the next 2 years. One of my jobs when you send me back as a senator is to make sure this is permanent. 

Another issue I intend to advance this year is tax relief, especially property tax. My plan will actually replace income and property taxes. As long as property tax exists we never really own property, we rent it from the government. This is still in the beginning of the process, stay tuned for details as we move forward.

Core Values

Character matters. We’ve heard character simply defined as what you do when no one is watching. Actually someone is ALWAYS watching. None of us live in a bubble. I trained my children that “Life is not fair, life is tough and then you die. The sooner you come to accept that, the better off you’ll be.”

Living a life of service, to God and those we come in contact with, following the “Golden Rule” our jobs, business, relationships and even politics is always the best option. Our founders understood and spoke about how important Godly virtuous principles were to the success of our republic.

We see the effect of the dark forces that are at work in world and national politics, but make no mistake it is in Topeka too. I implore you to pray for me and the others who are trying to bring these forces under control. I’m willing to “Stand in the gap” for you and your family.

Convention Of States

Mike supports holding a Convention of States

Kansans For Life

Endorsed by Kansans for life

Students for Life

Endorsed by Students for Life


Endorsed by SMART